Thursday, July 11, 2024

Report: Israel and Hamas agreed that neither of them will control Gaza

A senior official in the American administration claims that agreements have been reached regarding the framework of the deal for the release of hostages and the ceasefire, and the discussions are now focusing on the details that will allow its implementation.

The Washington Post reported that Israel and Hamas agreed that in the second phase, neither of them will control Gaza, and it will be managed by an international force that will involve the US, moderate Arab countries, and likely also about 2,500 police and soldiers from the Palestinian Authority.

The official noted that the breakthrough was made possible after Hamas abandoned its demand for a written guarantee for a complete end to the war.

Instead, Hamas agreed to a situation where if the negotiations last more than six weeks from the implementation of the first phase, the ceasefire will continue as long as they take place.

Israeli officials believe that the terrorist organization will exploit this condition to drag out the talks endlessly, thereby creating a situation where the ceasefire continues even if the deal does not proceed to the next phase.

The official also emphasized that despite reaching an agreement on the framework of the deal, it is still far from finalization, and it may take weeks or even months to reach a wording that will be acceptable to both Israel and Hamas. Israel National News - Arutz Sheva