Friday, July 26, 2024

Divine Retribution! 12 Israeli F-35s Break The Backbone Of Houthis! Iranian Warships Rush To Yemen!


‘Iran took advantage of Yemeni civil war’: says Middle East expert

Dr. Dina Lisnanski - a researcher on political Islam and Islam in the West and a core lecturer in the Middle Eastern Studies and Islam program at the Shalem Academic Center - participated in the Maariv podcast on Thursday. In the interview, Lisnanski analyzes the security challenges facing the world.

Paris Olympics: Unprecedented security challenges

The upcoming Paris Olympics face significant security challenges, Dr. Lisnanski noted. "It's an Olympics that is more secure than ever because there are also more warnings than ever before,” she stated, further highlighting specific threats from organizations like ISIS, which is regaining power in the West.

Lisnanski also discussed challenges related to the current geopolitical situation, emphasizing that since October 7, Israel has become a global focus: "These additional challenges are closely related to us, to Israelis and the State of Israel, which has become a global focus since October 7." She also mentioned the potential threat from pro-Hamas groups in France. READ MORE

Two senior Hezbollah officials killed by Israeli strikes on southern Lebanon - report

Two senior Hezbollah officials were killed in an attack on the village of Markaba in southern Lebanon on Friday morning, as reported by Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya.

The Qatari channel Alaraby claimed that the strikes targeted Hezbollah's regional headquarters.

Earlier, the Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese site Al Manar reported that Israeli airstrikes had targeted Markaba.

The IDF confirmed on Friday afternoon that it had identified a number of terrorists entering a Hezbollah military structure in Markaba, and had struck the building soon after.

They also confirmed strikes were carried out against Hezbollah military structure in Ayta ash Shab. READ MORE

Addressing Congress, Netanyahu lays out vision for postwar Gaza, anti-Iran alliance

WASHINGTON — Addressing a joint session of Congress for the fourth time in his career, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used much of Wednesday’s speech to frame Iran as the driving force behind violence in the Middle East, while laying out a general vision for postwar Gaza.

Netanyahu also said he was “confident” that a hostage release and ceasefire deal could be reached, but did not offer much details, even as nearly two dozen relatives of the 120 captives still held in Gaza sat in the gallery overlooking the prime minister.

As he laid out the trauma that Israel had experienced on October 7 and its determination to root out the threats posed by Hamas and Iran, the prime minister was frequently interrupted by raucous applause and standing ovations — on both sides of the aisle, though Republicans were noticeably more enthusiastic.

Netanyahu pointed out some of the hostage families in the audience and pledged that he wouldn’t rest until all of their loved ones were returned home, while thanking US President Joe Biden for “his tireless efforts” on behalf of the hostages and the families.

But many of the relatives in the audience — particularly a delegation of roughly a dozen family members of American captives — were visibly unimpressed. The parents of hostages Hersh Goldberg-Polin and Omer Neutra remained in their seats, even after Netanyahu pledged to secure a deal. READ MORE

Roughly 10 other hostage relatives wore bright yellow t-shirts under their unbuttoned suits that read “Seal the Deal Now.” The yellow-shirt wearers made a point of remaining standing at various moments after the rest of the audience was seated, drawing attention to themselves as they stared down Netanyahu.

Three of those individuals were forcibly removed from the chamber and detained by law enforcement.

Trump: If Iran assassinates me, I hope America obliterates Iran

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Thursday invoked the annihilation of Iran in a post on his Truth Social platform.

"If they do 'assassinate President Trump,' which is always a possibility, I hope that America obliterates Iran, wipes it off the face of the Earth - If that does not happen, American Leaders will be considered 'gutless' cowards!" wrote Trump, who shared a brief video of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bringing up alleged Iranian plots against Trump in his address to the US Congress on Wednesday.

Trump’s post came days after US media reported that the US Secret Service had increased security for Trump weeks ago after authorities learned of an Iranian plot to kill him, although it was not linked to the recent attempt on his life.

Iran has in the past vowed revenge against Trump for ordering the 2020 drone strike in Baghdad which eliminated top Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) commander Qassem Soleimani.

Iran in 2020 issued an arrest warrant against Trump and asked for Interpol's aid in detaining him in the killing of Soleimani.

Interpol swiftly rejected the request, saying its guidelines for notices forbids it from "any intervention or activities of a "political" nature.  Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Last year, an animated video published on the website of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei depicted the assassination of Trump.

IAF Commander: 'Strike on Houthis was aimed at entire Middle East'

Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar met on Wednesday with the heads of the local authorities in the “Ramat David” Air Force Base along with additional commanders from the IAF and the Northern Command.

As part of the meeting, a discussion was held with the heads of the local authorities in which the main points of the operational situational assessment were presented, an overview of the IAF's activities in the war was given, and a visit to an operational squadron and a tour of Kiryat Shmona were conducted. The Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force emphasized the responsibility that the IAF has in the task of defending the North.

"We are ready for war. The Israeli Air Force bears full responsibility to implement all the operational plans. And there will be a knockout punch that is as lethal as possible, against an enemy we are familiar with, and there will be surprises," Bar told the local leaders.

"Who was the target of the strike against the Houthis? It was aimed at the entire Middle East, both at Nasrallah and Iran," the commander declared.

"And on this topic, I'll tell you that throughout the entire war we have maintained and are maintaining a level of ability that means that if a war breaks out in the North and with Iran, we can rise to the occasion. Nine months and we are 'totally in', never letting down our guard, as we understand the justice of our cause. And I leave here after the conversation with you strengthened, we are prepared," he added. Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Footage: IDF strike on terror structure in southern Lebanon

Sirens which sounded early Friday afternoon in the Upper Galilee, and the IDF identified a projectile that was launched from Lebanon into Israeli territory.

The projectile was successfully intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array.

Over the past day, IDF soldiers identified a number of terrorists entering into a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Markaba in southern Lebanon. A short while later, the IAF struck the structure in which the terrorists were operating.

In addition, overnight, another Hezbollah military structure was struck in the area of Ayta ash Shab.

Following these strikes, the IDF stressed, "The IDF will continue to operate against the threat of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in order to defend the State of Israel." WATCH

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Iran’s militias in Iraq threaten Israel amid Houthi, Hezbollah attacks

The Iranian-backed Kataib Hezbollah terror group in Iraq has said it would support the Houthis in more attacks on Israel. This statement comes amid reports that the Houthis and Iranian-backed militias in Iraq want to conduct more “joint” operations against Israel.

In the wake of the Houthi attack on Tel Aviv on July 19, the Houthis and Iraqi militias have sought to highlight how they might increase their threats to the region.

Kataib Hezbollah and the Houthis have both slammed Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, accusing them of working with Israel. They use similar language in their condemnation of Saudi Arabia and regional Arab states.

In addition, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella group of pro-Iranian militias, claimed, on July 24, that it had targeted Eilat. The pro-Iranian Al-Mayadeen reported that “similarly, the Resistance in Iraq is conducting joint operations with the Yemeni Armed Forces to target the occupied Palestinian territories.

Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, leader of the Ansar Allah movement in Yemen, confirmed in his speeches that ‘These joint operations between the Yemeni army and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq have had a direct and significant impact on the enemy,’ emphasizing that they will continue and escalate.”

Drone attacks

The reports of the joint work of the Iraqi militias and Houthis come amid escalation by Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has continued its rocket and drone attacks on northern Israel. Al-Mayadeen news network reported that a “squadron of the Islamic resistance [Hezbollah] drones from Lebanon entered the West Galilee region in northern occupied Palestine and sirens sounded in the Zionist settlements.”

The attacks on northern Israel wounded a soldier recently. It also appears Hezbollah is increasing the range of its attacks. This would coincide with the Iranian attempt to push the Houthis and Iraqi militias to expand their attacks. 

Israel, US, UAE said to have held secret Abu Dhabi meeting on Gaza postwar plan

Officials from Israel, the United States and the United Arab Emirates reportedly held a secret meeting in Abu Dhabi last week to discuss plans for postwar Gaza, in an indication that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may be budging from his refusal to seriously consider the issue until the offensive against Hamas ends.

Two Israeli officials told the Axios news site that the Thursday discussions were hosted by UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed and attended by Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer and US President Joe Biden’s Mideast envoy Brett McGurk.

According to the report, two senior Israeli officials who had been involved in the formulation of plans for the Strip after the war were also in attendance.

The postwar plan put forward by the UAE, the report said, is similar to a proposal put forward by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in January, which Netanyahu rejected at the time.

The war in Gaza erupted with Hamas’s October 7 massacre, which saw some 3,000 terrorists burst across the border into Israel by land, air and sea, killing some 1,200 people and seizing 251 hostages amid acts of brutality and sexual assault.

Vowing to destroy the terror group and free the hostages, Israel launched a wide-scale military operation in Gaza, initially making tactical advances against Hamas after powerful aerial strikes paved the way for ground troops. READ MORE

Ben Gvir declares Jewish prayer permitted on Temple Mount, again defying status quo

Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Wednesday claimed a major change has been instituted to the fragile status quo on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, saying he prays at the site and that Jewish prayer is allowed at the site, despite a decades-long ban on the practice.

“I was at the Temple Mount last week. I prayed at the Temple Mount and we are praying at the Temple Mount. I am in the political echelon, and the political echelon allows Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount,” Ben Gvir told attendees at a Knesset conference encouraging Jewish visits to the holy site.

He made the statement hours before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s was to speak to a joint session of Congress on a high-stakes trip during which Netanyahu will meet with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican nominee former president Donald Trump.

It was the second time in as many months that Ben Gvir, challenging Netanyahu, said it was official policy to allow Jews to pray at the site, after he made similar claims in June.

As in the case of those comments, Netanyahu’s office quickly countered Ben Gvir’s assertion, releasing a statement declaring that Israel’s policy “to maintain the status quo on the Temple Mount has not changed and will not change.”

In a subsequent statement, Ben Gvir said that allowing Jews to pray on the Mount had been his position for months and insisted that on his watch “there will not be racist discrimination against Jews, who alone are forbidden from praying… in the holiest place for the Jewish people.” READ MORE

Senior diplomatic official: The goal - a regional defense alliance like NATO

A senior diplomatic official commented on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks, during his Congress speech, regarding the need to expand the Abraham Accords and use them to create a regional alliance.

"The proposal is to establish a framework of a regional defense alliance, similar to NATO, with those who have peace agreements with Israel and those who will make peace agreements," said the source.

He added that "this should be a goal of the free world in the face of what is emerging in front of us, because Iran is truly trying to take over the Middle East. This alliance is a vital need not only for our region but also for the free world."

Earlier, Prime Minister Netanyahu related to the speech he gave in Congress and said, "I am grateful for the privilege I had to represent the State of Israel, this is a decisive moment in our lives. I presented not only the heroism of our soldiers that the world did not know about, but also the suffering of the families of the hostages and our need to highlight the evil of Iran." Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

US official: Negotiations for hostage release deal are in their closing stages

Negotiations for a Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal are in their "closing stages," a US official said Wednesday, according to the AFP news agency.

"We believe it's in the closing stages and a deal is closeable," the senior administration official said on condition of anonymity.

The official said that the initial phase of the deal will include women, men over 50 and sick and wounded hostages.

President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are expected to discuss the details during their meeting on Thursday.

The official said the remaining obstacles are bridgeable and there will be more meetings aimed at reaching a deal over the next week.

Biden in late May outlined a three-phase proposal for a ceasefire and hostage release deal. He recently indicated that both Israel and Hamas had agreed to the outline and reiterated his determination to implement the proposal.

“Six weeks ago I laid out a comprehensive framework for how to achieve a ceasefire and bring the hostages home,” wrote Biden on X.

Previously, a senior US official claimed that agreements had been reached regarding the framework of the deal for the release of hostages and the ceasefire, and the discussions are now focusing on the details that will allow its implementation. Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Israel ready at moment's notice to operate in Lebanon, but both sides are fatiguing - analysis

Education Minister Yoav Kisch's statements to the leaders of the northern border settlements were clear yesterday, highlighting Israel's security arrangements for the near future and possibly for a more extended period. Minister Kisch told settlement leaders, "Unfortunately, the 5784 school year will commence in the North with a clear deployment plan due to the complex security situation in the region."

In the North, there is an understanding that if the school year does not begin in Kiryat Shmona, Shlomi, Metula, and the settlements of the regional councils of the Upper Galilee, Ma'ale Yosef, Mateh Asher, and Mevo'ot Hermon, it could spell a social and economic collapse for the entire settlement and the families from the North. Both families that have been evacuated from their homes and those still residing in the North are experiencing the war day by day, hour by hour.

The decision on the future of the North is not military, but political. The IDF is essentially ready to operate and has been ready to maneuver since the end of May, according to instructions from Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi.

The completion of preparations included attack plans, force orders, and ammunition. At any given moment, dozens of armed aircraft are on immediate alert at air bases across Israel, ready for strikes in Lebanon.

However, the IDF’s readiness level decreases with every passing day. Every week, the air force and the Northern Command conduct brigade and unit training on the northern border, practicing on the mountainous topography, studying Hezbollah's defense and attack systems, and creating a shift in the combat mindset for commanders and fighters between Gaza and Lebanon. READ MORE

Houthis threaten to attack Israeli ports, gas fields after weekend strike on Hodeida

The Iran-backed Houthis are preparing to strike new sensitive targets in Israel and the region, according to sources from Yemen’s capital Sana’a quoted by the Lebanese Hezbollah-affiliated daily Al-Akhbar on Tuesday.

Sources close to the Yemeni militia quoted by Al-Akhbar said that in response to the Israeli retaliatory strike on the Houthi-controlled Hodeida port in western Yemen on Saturday, itself a response to a deadly Houthi drone attack on Tel Aviv, Houthi military leaders have added new items to their “target bank.”

The Yemeni rebel group — in cooperation with other members of the so called Axis of Resistance of Iran-backed paramilitary groups in Lebanon, Iraq and Syria — was said to be planning to hit the Israeli Mediterranean ports of Ashdod, Ashkelon and Haifa, in addition to the Red Sea port of Eilat.

The Israeli gas fields in the Mediterranean were also reportedly in the Houthis’ crosshairs, as well as oil tankers transporting fuel from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan to Israel through the Eastern Mediterranean.

The Houthis were also said to be planning to target maritime trade in the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean, with the rebel group reportedly aiming to use long-range projectiles to target “enemy maritime trade” directed toward the Cape of Good Hope along African coasts.

The route is much longer than the one through the Suez Canal, but has become increasingly popular since the Houthis began targeting ships transiting through the Red Sea with alleged connections to Israel, the United States, or Britain. READ MORE

Protesters demonstrate against Israel at Capitol Hill a day before Netanyahu's speech

Hundreds of Jewish protesters demonstrated at the US Capitol on Tuesday against US weapons sales to Israel.

The protesters gathered inside the rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building, which houses offices of House of Representatives members, a day before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to address Congress.

The protest was organized by Jewish Voice for Peace and included rabbis, students, Israeli Americans and descendants of Holocaust survivors, according to The Washington Post.

The demonstrators demanded that the United States stop arming Israel and called for a permanent, immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza war.

At about 3:00 p.m., hundreds of protesters singing “let Gaza live” and “stop genocide” sat in a circle around a banner that read “NO ONE IS FREE UNTIL EVERYONE IS FREE.”

They wore red shirts that read “JEWS SAY STOP ARMING ISRAEL” and clapped as they sang “not in our name.” Protesters unfurled banners, including one that said “TIKKUN OLAM = FREE PALESTINE,” referring to the Hebrew phrase that means to repair the world.

A source from the office of Rep. Dan Kildee, a Democrat from Michigan, told Fox News that staff and interns barricaded themselves in their offices, which were close to the demonstration. The protesters were nearby, and the source said the protesters were "violently beating on all three of the doors."

After about 20 minutes, Capitol Police told protesters to stop demonstrating. While some protesters left, many remained. About 10 minutes later, officers began clearing the area, using zip ties to remove protesters from the rotunda, according to The Washington Post.

Reuters reported earlier this week that additional anti-Israel protests are expected at the US Capitol on Wednesday to coincide with Netanyahu's speech.

Police said they expect a "large number of demonstrators" and were making additional security arrangements but said there were no known threats, according to the report.

The US has seen months of protests from pro-Palestinian Arab groups and college students over US support for Israel amid its war in Gaza. Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Netanyahu meets evangelical leaders during Washington trip

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara on Tuesday night met with US evangelical community leaders in Washington.

The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation to the community leaders for their strong and constant support of Israel but especially in these complicated times.

He heard from them about their prayers for the return of the hostages, the wellbeing of the soldiers and the security of the State of Israel.

Netanyahu also thanked the evangelicals for their vigorous activity among the community's young people to encourage continued support for Israel.

Prime Minister Netanyahu added that he is well aware of their deep commitment to Israel and how strong their support is for the truth and our common values. Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Nahal Brigade increases readiness for fighting in Lebanon

This week, the 228th Reserve Brigade of the IDF's Northern Command completed a brigade-level exercise led by the Ground Forces Training Center.

The troops practiced combat scenarios in Lebanon, including movement in thicketed terrain and advancing along mountainous routes. They also practiced the activation of fire, evacuating wounded soldiers under fire, and logistical and communications support from headquarters.

"This is the second deployment of the 228th Brigade along the northern border since the start of the war," the IDF noted. "The unit continues to be a significant part of the IDF's defensive and offensive operations along the western part of the border with Lebanon."

In May, the IDF's reserve battalions from the 6th Brigade of the IDF's Northern Command participated in a brigade-level exercise in the Western Galilee, led by the Ground Forces Training Center.

In the exercise simulating warfare in Lebanon, infantry, armored and engineering forces alongside logistics and communication support personnel, practiced operational cooperation in rugged and complex terrains using camouflage and combat techniques. Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Hezbollah publishes new video inside Israel's borders

Hezbollah published on Wednesday documentation it collected from inside Israel's borders, using an UAV that the organization claims also returned to Lebanon without being intercepted.

The video shows the Ramat David base, which is located about 50 km from the Lebanese border, including details of officers' locations and sensitive storage sites.

This is the third video published by Hezbollah with photos from Israel, after it published a video from the Golan Heights and the Haifa Bay area.

Al Jazeera reported that Hezbollah's "Hodhod" UAV video was "taken yesterday, on 7/23, and was released at the time of Netanyahu's visit to Washington." WATCH

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

'Hamas on its knees, in need of lifeline': Analyst explains Palestinian unity agreement

This Tuesday morning, Zvi Yehezkeli, i24NEWS journalist and an Arab affairs analyst, was interviewed on 103FM radio. Yehezkeli addressed the agreement between the terrorist organizations Hamas and Fatah and spoke about China's increasing involvement in the region, particularly its central role in mediating efforts between the two organizations.

Yehezkeli began, "The Chinese, who have maintained a strict stance throughout the war, are looking to establish dominance here. Such events have occurred throughout Palestinian history. They want to make a connection before one of the sides is erased, or a reality emerges that will not allow this."

He further added, "Hamas, which is on the verge of being wiped out, is somehow being thrown a lifeline and being told, 'Before you are erased, concede and let Mahmoud Abbas take control of the Strip.' To Abbas, they are saying, 'Don't wait for Hamas to be wiped out. Join a unity government.' However, in terms of the agreement, it is very limited. We've seen such things before."

The bad blood between Hamas and Fatah

Yehezkeli continued, "The bad blood between Fatah and Hamas is no simple matter. Abbas already understands that he is going to be the owner of the Strip in all respects. This agreement is being woven with the Chinese to act as a lifeline for Hamas. The US is not involved here." READ MORE

Poll of US Jews: Kamala Harris less pro-Israel than Biden

Kamala Harris, the leading candidate to represent the Democratic Party in the presidential elections in November, after the retirement of US President Joe Biden, is considered less pro-Israel than Biden, according to the Jewish People's Voice index of the Jewish People Policy Institute.

The Voice of the Jewish People index, conducted among American Jews, presents a clear picture that all Jewish groups consider Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris as less pro-Israel than incumbent President Joe Biden.

In a comparison between the outgoing candidate Biden and the incoming (not final at this stage) candidate Harris, there is a very significant gap: liberal and conservative Jews rate her attitudes towards Israel as less sympathetic by a considerable margin, compared to the rating for Biden.

Only "very liberal" Jews in the poll show a majority who believe that she is "pro-Israel,” unlike all other groups.

The survey was held among 536 US Jews registered in the JPPI panel even before President Biden announced his decision to withdraw from the race. Among Jews who said in the survey that they "definitely" intend to vote for Biden, a majority believe that Harris is "pro-Israel" (65%), but there is no longer a majority who believe this among those who said that they will "probably" vote for Biden and who defined Harris as "pro-Israel" (33 %). A higher proportion of these respondents, 38%, said that they "don't know" if Harris is pro-Israel. Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

It should be noted that, in general, the participants’ attitudes in the survey regarding the candidates' attitude towards Israel are significantly influenced by their political support.

Most Jewish supporters of Donald Trump do not define Biden as "pro-Israel" and most Jewish supporters of Biden do not define Trump as pro-Israel.

For this reason, the more interesting comparison is between Biden and Harris, while it is evident that even the supporters of the Democratic candidate regard Biden as a supporter of Israel, much more than they perceive the person who will very likely take his place.

Elon Musk to replace workers with robots

Elon Musk intends to employ robots instead of workers. In a recent tweet, he promised that humanoid robots will begin working in the company's factories and producing the new Tesla cars, and that he hopes to begin selling the robots to other factories in 2026.

"Tesla will have genuinely useful humanoid robots in low production for Tesla internal use next year and, hopefully, high production for other companies in 2026," the post reads.

As early as 2021, Musk spoke of a humanoid robot named Optimus that would replace workers in many factories around the world. Work on the production of Optimus has already begun, and the height of the robot that is to replace humans is 1.70 meters and weighs 56 kilograms.

Musk also said that his goal was to produce a large number of robots and sell each one for less than $20,000 per robot.

Next month, Musk was to publicly unveil self-driving taxis that he had been working on for years. The launch of the taxis will be delayed by several months because Musk said he wanted to make some changes to the front of the taxis. Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Officials to NYT: Hezbollah willing to discuss ceasefire with Israel

Israel and the Hezbollah terror group have told negotiators that they are willing to discuss a ceasefire, provided that a ceasefire-hostage swap deal is achieved in Gaza, diplomats told The New York Times.

The officials, who were briefed on the subject, spoke to the Times on condition of anonymity.

The negotiations with Hezbollah would focus on the removal of Hezbollah terrorists from southern Lebanon, an increased Lebanese military presence in the area, and the demarcation of parts of the Israel-Lebanon border.

Former US ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides told the Times, "Neither side really wants a bigger war because they understand the huge damage that it would cause their countries. The problem is that wars are caused by miscalculations. And by trying to deter each other from escalating, they risk making a miscalculation that does the opposite of what they intended."

Mohanad Hage Ali, a fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center, told Times that "Hezbollah wants to avoid an all-out war for a reason that is Lebanon's own fragility." Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

IDF confirms: Head of Hamas military arm in Tulkarem eliminated

The IDF on Tuesday afternoon confirmed earlier reports that the head of Hamas' military branch in Tulkarem was eliminated in a strike.

"Overnight, the IDF, ISA, and Israeli Border Police conducted a joint counterterrorism operation in the Tulkarem area, as part of a series of over 50 counterterrorism operations in the area since the beginning of the war," a joint IDF and ISA announcement read. "The soldiers struck a number of armed terrorists in exchanges of fire and dismantled numerous explosives that had been planted underneath the roads."

"During the operation, an IAF drone struck several terrorists from various terror organizations in the Tulkarem area. Among those struck were terrorists who were involved in the planning and carrying out of attacks against IDF soldiers and the State of Israel from the Tulkarem area.

"Among those eliminated was Ashraf Nafa, the head of the Hamas branch in the Tulkarem area. Ashraf was responsible for manufacturing and embedding explosives intended to attack IDF soldiers, as well as recruiting new operatives into the Hamas organization.

"Additionally, he was involved in numerous attacks against IDF soldiers in Judea and Samaria, and was in contact with external Hamas terrorists who advanced terror attacks in Judea and Samaria."

The statement added, "Furthermore, the terrorist Muhammad Awad was eliminated during the operation. Muhammad was a terrorist in the area of Tulkarem, where he was actively involved in shooting attacks against IDF soldiers. In addition, he raised terror funds to support the battalion's activity in the area, and procured weaponry for the battalion." WATCH

Monday, July 22, 2024

'Head of the Octopus': After Hodeidah strike, Israel must look to Iran, fmr. maj.-gen says

In light of the Israeli strike in Yemen, senior Houthi official Mohammed Ali al-Houthi issued a veiled threat to Israel on his X, formerly Twitter, account on Sunday evening, following reports from the terrorist organization of launches towards Israel.

Former IDF major-general Israel Ziv spoke with Anat Davidov and Udi Segal on 103FM and shared his insights on the Yemeni arena.

"The Houthis are not exactly Hezbollah," Ziv began. "Their distance and capabilities are fundamentally different. On one hand, it can't be underestimated because they do have considerable capabilities. We know how to handle most of the fire, but that's not the problem. The problem is we're entering a multi-front situation. The head of the octopus is sitting behind, and I think he's quite pleased with this. You can't defeat the Yemenis."

Strike on Hodeidah port hurt the Houthis, but they have nothing to lose

Ziv continued, "I think that from the get-go, we took most of them down. This body has been fighting for years from caves. The strike on the port really hurts them, but they have nothing to lose. It didn't finish them off. It just made this front line more personal for them. What exactly will this lead to? Time will tell. It won't look like the North against Hezbollah. The story is they're in the process of expanding to other places while trying to harm freedom of navigation. If you want to influence the Houthis, it's not through direct attacks, but through Iran." READ MORE

Netanyahu’s speech to Congress this week

In the inaugural episode of Season 5, David Makovsky is joined by

Ambassador Dennis Ross, Washington Institute senior fellow and former U.S. point man on the peace process for the H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations, on the eve of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s fourth address to Congress to discuss the history of the U.S.-Israel relationship and possible future trajectories for the alliance. Listen here:

Decision Points is a Washington Institute podcast on key moments in Israel’s history and present. The first season focused on the history of U.S.-Israel relations, the second season examined key Israeli and Arab leaders, the third season explored Israel’s contemporary policy dilemmas, and the fourth season highlighted books essential to understanding Zionism and U.S.-Israel relations. Season 5 of the podcast dives into the Gaza war and explores the long-term implications for Israel, U.S.-Israel relations, and the Middle East. In each episode, distinguished scholars, analysts, journalists, and officials will put the current conflict in perspective and discuss the road ahead.

The host, David Makovsky, is the Ziegler Distinguished Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Director of its Koret Project on Arab-Israel Relations. He is a former senior advisor to the U.S. Special Envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations, as well as a sought-after expert on U.S.-Israel diplomatic relations and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Decision Points is both a history lesson and an exploration of contemporary policy decisions impacting Israel, the United States, and the broader Middle East.