Friday, February 24, 2023

Central bank chief said to warn economic crisis could break out at any moment

Bank of Israel Governor Amir Yaron is said to have warned ministers on Thursday that an economic crisis could break out at any moment, amid mounting concerns over the government’s pursuit of sweeping changes to the judiciary, which has spooked investors and entrepreneurs in recent weeks and sparked fears of an economic downturn.

Yaron and the Finance Ministry’s chief economist Shira Greenberg were asked for their observations Thursday on the potential harm to the economy at the discussion session by Economy Minister Nir Barkat, who also reportedly relayed warnings he had heard directly from figures in the tech and business industry of serious economic fallout.

“A snowball [effect] may begin,” Greenberg reportedly responded, adding that there was “significant danger” to the economy. Earlier, Greenberg warned in a report accompanying the multi-year budget draft 2024-27 sent to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hardline coalition government on Thursday that the judicial overhaul was “perceived by the market as damaging the strength and independence of state institutions and increases uncertainty in the investment environment.”

“This may harm economic activity and in particular private investments,” she wrote.

Netanyahu has repeatedly waved off such warnings, including on Thursday when he said those making them were driven by political motivations and hysteria and insisted they would be proven wrong. READ MORE