Friday, June 19, 2020

Tent vigil starting Sunday: ‘Yes to Sovereignty, No to Palestine’

This coming Sunday, the Sovereignty Movement and Sovereignty Youth will hold a tent vigil in front of the Prime Minister’s office with the slogan ‘Yes to Sovereignty over the Land of Israel, No to Palestine’.
The tent vigil will last for three days and will be attended by public figures, politicians and spiritual leaders who warn against accepting the Trump plan, which includes the willingness to divide the Land and establish an alien political entity in its heart.
Among the public figures who will be taking part in the 3-day event are members of Knesset Ayelet Shaked and Bezalel Smotrich, Head of World Likud Jacques Kupfer, senior figures from the YESHA Council, led by the Head of YESHA Council David Elhayani, Dr. Hagai Ben Artzi, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Aryeh King and others.
The members of Sovereignty Youth will also hold activities and discussions on matters of sovereignty that express what they defined as "the Zionist vision and realization of the longings of the Jewish People over the generations".
The heads of the Sovereignty Movement, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, called on the public who love and are faithful to the Land of Israel to join the three-day tent vigil of “reserve duty” on behalf of the Land of Israel to encourage the elected representatives in their resolute position on behalf of the Land of Israel and its wholeness. “Lately we have seen that more and more members of Knesset and ministers are becoming aware of the dangers and “land mines” inherent in the Trump plan. This turnaround is occurring as a result of rising public pressure. Currently, as a fateful time of decision for the future of the Land of Israel approaches, when the public places itself to the right of the Land of Israel, the effect is multiplied. The political turnaround begins from the people and reaches the decision makers”.