Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Very existence of Iran’s secret nuclear archive may be a violation of nuke deal

Critics of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Monday exposé on Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program have argued that it contained nothing new — no smoking gun that proved the Islamic Republic violated the terms of the nuclear deal it struck with six world powers in 2015.
It was well known that Iran had a covert nuclear weapons program, European governments and other defenders of the deal noted, adding that it was precisely Iran’s history of dishonesty that necessitated the landmark deal with its provisions for an unprecedentedly intrusive inspection regime.
Indeed, Tehran appears to be complying with the operative provisions of the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. As far as is known, Iran has not, for example, resumed enriching uranium to weapons-grade levels.
However, Iran certainly violated the spirit of the agreement, by lying over its past efforts to build a nuclear weapon. Iran was obligated to come clean over those efforts, and failed to do so. The deal, the Mossad’s findings clearly show, was thus born in sin. READ MORE