Thursday, May 3, 2018

National Day of Prayer to Take Place Across America: ‘God Calls All of Us to Grow Together in Unity

Millions of Americans will take part in the National Day of Prayeron Thursday, with churches across the country holding special services and a national observance planned in the nation’s capital.
This year’s theme is “unity,” one that seems fitting in an era where Americans seem more divided and partisan than ever, according to Dr. Ronnie Floyd, president of the annual event and senior pastor at Cross Church in Arkansas.
“God calls all of us to grow together in unity,” Floyd told Breitbart News.
The faith community has an especially important role in creating unity in their congregations and communities.
“A divided church cannot call a divided nation to unity,” Floyd said.
The scripture chosen for this year’s commemoration comes for the New Testament’s book of Ephesians 4:3: “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
The national observance, taking place in the Capitol, will focus on prayer for the nation’s leaders and lawmakers in Washington and for “unity among all ethnicities and people in America.” READ MORE