Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Syrian Media Report Israeli Attack Near Damascus After IDF Warns of ‘Irregular Iranian Activity’

JERUSALEM – Syria’s state-run SANA news agency reported an Israeli attack targeting a military base south of Damascus about two hours after President Trump announced a decision to withdraw from the international nuclear agreement with Iran.
The reports of explosions also come after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Tuesday placed Israel’s northern communities on high alert with the IDF detecting “irregular Iranian activity” and “abnormal movements of Iranian forces in Syria.”
The AFP reported on the alleged Israeli strike:
Syrian state-run media is reporting an Israeli attack near the capital Damascus, saying Syrian air defenses shot down two missiles.
The official news agency SANA says Tuesday night’s attack occurred in the countryside in Kisweh, just south of Damascus.
Fox News cited sources saying the target of the strike was an Iranian base in Syria.
The Times of Israel, citing local Syrian reports, noted the area of el-Kiswah, where the blasts were heard, has previously been identified as the site for a potential Iranian military base.
An IDF spokesperson would not comment on the reports of an Israeli strike in Syria. Israel has a policy of not commenting on military strikes beyond the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Just before the explosion reports, Haaretz reported the IDF believes Iran is “making efforts to carry out an imminent retaliation against Israel,” according to the newspaper’s characterization. READ MORE