Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Israel Detects ‘Irregular Iranian Activity’ in Syria, Preps for Possible Imminent Attack

JERUSALEM — The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday placed Israel’s northern communities on high alert after it detected “irregular Iranian activity” and “abnormal movements of Iranian forces in Syria.”
Haaretz reported the IDF believes Iran is “making efforts to carry out an imminent retaliation against Israel,” according to the newspaper’s characterization.
IDF Spokesman Jonathan Conricus sent out the following tweet:
The IDF reportedly told local authorities its warnings are based on “abnormal movements of Iranian forces in Syria.”
The Times of Israel further reported:
The army did not instruct residents to enter bomb shelters, only for local authorities to open public ones in case of emergency.  A number of reservists were also called up, the army said. An IDF spokesperson would not elaborate on which units they came from, but media reports indicated they served in air defense, intelligence and Home Front Command units.
The Israel Defense Forces said it deployed missile defense batteries in northern Israel and “there is high preparedness of IDF troops for an attack.” The military called on residents to listen to security instructions as needed. READ MORE