Church Militant broadcasts pro-life, anti-gay, anti-feminist, Islam-fearing, human-caused-climate-change-denying orthodox Catholic news on its website churchmiltant.com and through social media using high-tech, professional production studios that rival those at local TV news stations. It has 35 full-time employees (and is hiring more) who publish about 10 stories and three videos every weekday.
Its leader, Michael Voris , has compared Trump with Constantine, the Roman emperor whom he says was "not a moral man" but a "power-hungry egomaniac," but who saw it desirable to end the persecution of Christians. He was a human vessel who elevated Catholicism to the state religion, Voris said.
For this analogy, it's irrelevant whether the man has been married three times or owns casinos.
"The personal proclivities, the personal sins or life of a particular leader is a separate discussion from how that man's view of the world might influence his policies," Voris said. "And if that policy is favorable to the church, well then, very good."
Voris said the heart of what they do is Catholic theology.
Voris said the heart of what they do is Catholic theology.