A number of different sources told the Beacon of the push to have Bolton replace Flynn, who resigned last week after reports emerged that he had talked about American sanctions against Russia with the country's ambassador before Trump was sworn in.
The reports contradicted his earlier comments that he never discussed the topic with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during a series of phone calls the month before Trump took office.
According to the Beacon report, Bolton's biggest supporters for the position are officials who are loyal to Flynn and were angered by the leaks of the general's conversation with the Russian ambassador which led to his resignation. They believe that Bolton would represent the same vision for national security as Flynn.
"There's a strong inclination in the NSC towards the kind of experienced leadership Bolton would represent," one anonymous official told the Beacon. "He knows the ins and outs of D.C. but he's not an establishment, Never Trump type. There's also a lot of respect for General Kellogg and KT McFarland, both of whom have really stepped up under challenging circumstances."
A veteran foreign policy insider said that "the one thing that makes Bolton more qualified than anyone else for the Trump era is that he has a veteran genius-level understanding of the organizational structure of our nation's diplomatic and intelligence apparatus."
Republican Senator Ted Cruz also said that he would be happy to see Bolton become the next national security adviser in an interview with CNN Friday.
"One person I think would be very, very strong is John Bolton," Cruz said. "He's someone who understands the world He understands the threats of radical Islamic terrorism."
Bolton supported Trump throughout the 2016 Presidential campaign.