Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2015 critical Israel vs. Iran nuclear timeline

Will 2015 be the year that another Bible prophecy finds a literal fulfillment? If so, which one, or ones, will it be? Could it be Jeremiah 49:34-39, Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38 or some other?

It has been sixty-six years since the last literal fulfillment of a prophecy. The prophecy was fulfilled on May 14, 1948 when Israel was rebirthed as a nation. Will this Shemitah year, with two blood moons yet to come, be significant?

Follow the timeline below to prepare for what could be a couple of prophetic months.


MARCH 2-3, Bill Salus introduces Jeremiah’s vastly overlooked prophecy concerning ancient Elam (nuclear Iran) to an international audience of millions on TBN’s Praise the Lord TV show with Perry Stone, Jonathan Cahn and Mark Biltz. The TBN audience will hear the geo-political and biblical perspectives of this coming Nuclear Showdown. The viewers will also be introduced to the Spiritual Showdown taking place in Iran between Islam and Christianity.

MARCH 3, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu addresses the U.S. Congress at the invitation of House Speaker John Boehner, against the wishes of President Obama. Netanyahu can be expected to inform Congress and the American people of the many reasons Israel must strike (nuclear Iran), without specifically saying that Israel is going to strike Iran’s nuclear program.

MARCH 17, Elections in Israel take place and Netanyahu’s is expected to get reelected.
MARCH 24, The P5+1 hopes to cut a sweetheart nuclear deal with Iran, but Israel will not accept a bad deal! (P5+1 are Russia, China, UK, France, US plus Germany). Some reports suggest that President Obama has already approved 80% of Iran’s terms. Israel will not be happy with these terms.

APRIL ???, DOES ISRAEL STRIKE IRAN’S NUCLEAR PROGRAM? Israel’s conservative leaders were waiting for the US midterm elections to sway Republican and for the November 24, 2014 nuclear negotiations extension deadline between the P5+1 and Iran to pass and come up empty. Both of these events occurred as Israel’s present leadership had anticipated. Israel could strike sooner. Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin struck Osirak, Iraq on June 7, 1981, just 3 weeks prior to the upcoming Israeli election.