Monday, February 3, 2025

How IDF is sending a message against terrorism in Jenin - analysis

A series of explosions in Jenin yesterday conjured up the kind of fighting that has become hallmarks of the war against Hezbollah and Hamas. The blasts were part of the IDF’s latest operation to uproot terrorist infrastructure in Jenin and other areas of the West Bank. However, the large explosions that sent smoke rising into the sky from several locations represent a new way of war in the territory.

The images and their meanings were not lost on commentators. People seeing the videos of the explosions were reminded of Gaza. This sense that we are now seeing the war in Gaza expand to the West Bank, with similar tactics, is acknowledged on the Right and Left, among both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian commentators. The explosions, designed to destroy terrorist infrastructure, have thus had the effect of spreading shock and awe far beyond Jenin.

When we speak of “shock and awe,” it is worth recalling that this terminology came from the opening US salvo of the 2003 war on Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Shock and awe are supposed to show an enemy what their adversary is capable of. This is a big difference from how Israel had waged war for many years before October 7, 2023.   (Read More)