The 603rd Battalion of the IDF's Combat Engineering Corps has reached Tel Hadar, the deepest point in Syria that Israeli forces have entered—10 kilometers from the Israeli border and just over 20 kilometers from Damascus.
“We left Al-Hiam last Wednesday for a weekend break. On Saturday, I received calls, and by Saturday night, the entire company had assembled in the Golan Heights. By Sunday, we were on Syrian soil,” recounted Captain Uri Almog, company commander in the 603rd Battalion.
“Our soldiers understand the importance of this mission and were excited—it’s not something to take for granted. We advanced to capture Tel Hadar under the Commando Brigade, but the first vehicle to set foot on the hill was from Brigade 7. This is the furthest the IDF has entered Syria. The last time was October 12, 1973, when Golani forces captured this mountain,” Almog explained. (Read More)