Thursday, October 10, 2024

'Israel must control Philadelphi Corridor to ensure Gaza security,' Former CIA director says

Former CIA director and retired general David H. Petraeus has emphasized that Israel should maintain control of the Philadelphi Corridor, the critical border area between Gaza and Egypt, until a reliable security force is established to prevent the resurgence of Hamas and other extremist groups.

Speaking on the Jewish People's Podcast by the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI), Petraeus stressed that without Israel’s continued presence, any efforts at rebuilding Gaza could be undermined by terrorists. “Rafah crossing between Gaza and Sinai is also under Israeli control and should remain that way,” he said, adding that Israel should not relinquish control of the crossing until there is “absolute confidence” in a new, non-extremist security force in Gaza.

Drawing on his experience overseeing US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, Petraeus highlighted that security must be the top priority before any significant humanitarian aid or reconstruction can occur. “The job is not done,” he said. “If the intent is to prevent Hamas from having influence in the territory, then clearly what has to be done is security must be achieved, and only Israel can do that, I'm afraid.”

Petraeus cautioned against the dangers of withdrawing too soon from areas that have been cleared of Hamas influence. “This is what we did during the surge in Iraq,” he said. “You go into a neighborhood, you clear it of the enemy, but then you leave. And inevitably, it creates a vacuum that is filled by bad actors.” READ MORE