Sunday, December 3, 2023

Netanyahu vows ‘total victory’ against Hamas; says PA rejects Israel, can’t rule Gaza

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Saturday night not to allow the Palestinian Authority to take control of the Gaza Strip once Israel succeeds in removing Hamas from power, in sharp opposition to US President Joe Biden’s position and that of other key international actors.

Speaking during a press conference at the Kiryah army headquarters in Tel Aviv, Netanyahu accused the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority of promoting and financing terrorism, and described its creation as “a terrible mistake.”

The prime minister also pledged to continue the war against Hamas “until the end” and until “total victory” is achieved over the terror organization, and claimed he had not been able to do so in previous rounds of conflict because there had not been the necessary domestic or international consensus to do so.

And Netanyahu promised to “do everything possible” to bring the remaining hostages back from captivity, while issuing a strong warning to Hezbollah, saying it would bring about the destruction of Lebanon if it initiated a broad war against Israel.

Answering questions about the Palestinian Authority’s potential role in a post-war Gaza, Netanyahu said forcefully that the Palestinian Authority “pays murderers” and “educate[s] their children to hate Israel and, to my sorrow, to murder Jews, and ultimately for the disappearance of the State of Israel.” READ MORE