Friday, September 15, 2023

MK Danny Danon: 'There's no 'best time' for sovereignty - do it as soon as possible'

MK Danny Danon (Likud) spoke to Israel National News (INN) about the importance of applying Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, saying that Israel is "paying the price" for the Oslo Accords - "until today."

Speaking at the "From Oslo to Sovereignty" conference produced by the Sovereignty Movement and Israel National News - Arutz Sheva (INN), Danon also chairs the World Likud, told INN, "The idea that we would give away parts of our homeland and we would receive peace in exchange - it completely failed."

"We have to think about a different formula, this idea brought only violence and frustration to the region. That's why I think we have to say, 'Let's delete it, let's think about a new idea, a new paradigm for peace in the region."

Dannon added that former US President Donald Trump also did this: "He told the Palestinians: 'Forget about those ideas, let's think about the future, let's think about new ideas.'"

"And I think we have to tell our allies around the world: 'It's not working, it's not safe for us. Let's think about another option,'" he added. READ MORE