Friday, April 28, 2023

Right-wing bloc falls to all-time low in latest poll

The left-wing – Arab bloc continues to rise while the right-wing – religious bloc falters, a new poll released Friday shows.

According to the poll, which was conducted by Panels Politics and published by Ma’ariv Friday morning, if new elections were held today, former Defense Minister Benny Gantz and his National Unity party would have a clear path to forming a new government – even without the Hadash-Ta’al party.

The poll projects National Unity would become the largest party in the Knesset if new elections were held today, rising from 12 seats in the previous election and 27 in last week’s Panels Politics poll to 28 mandates.

The Likud, by contrast, continues to lose ground, falling from 32 seats in the last election and 26 seats in the previous poll down to 23 in Friday’s survey.

As a whole, the current Coalition government would receive just 50 seats, down from 64 in the current Knesset and 52 in the previous poll. READ MORE