Monday, April 24, 2023

Khamenei: The deterrent power of the Zionist entity has come to an end

Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said on Saturday that the "Zionist entity" is in a worsening crisis and its end is approaching.

In a speech on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, Khamenei said the accelerated retreat of the Zionist entity which began several years ago can be seen these days, and as such the Islamic world must take advantage of this tremendous opportunity and come up with a strategy on supporting the resistance organizations within “Palestine”.

Khamenei added that the issue of “Palestine” is considered one of the most important issues of the Islamic world, but it is not only an Islamic issue, as evidenced by the holding of Al-Quds Day events around the world, including in non-Islamic countries.

He also said in his speech that the resistance of the “Palestinian people” is what brought Israel to the difficult crisis it is currently experiencing, and reality proves that the stronger the fight and firm stand of the Palestinian Arab people, the weaker the "fake" entity will get.

Khamenei stressed that the deterrent power of the Zionist entity has come to an end, saying that several decades ago David Ben-Gurion, one of the founders of the "fake entity", said that in the absence of deterrent power, Israel would be destroyed, and today the world is witnessing this.

He expressed hope that the Palestinian Arab people and Muslims from all over the Islamic world will freely pray together in Jerusalem.

Khamenei regularly attacks both Israel, to which he refers as a “terrorist state”, and the US. In May of 2021, he called on Muslim nations to keep fighting against Israel, which he said was not a state but a "terrorist garrison" against Palestinian Arabs.