Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Air Force takes to the sky as 75th Independence Day celebrations get into swing

Israelis flocked to parks, beaches, nature sites, and other open spaces for barbecues and other festivities on Wednesday as the country celebrated its 75th Independence Day.

The first aircraft participating in flybys took the skies Wednesday morning with a formation of transport and attack helicopters buzzing low over the capital and other planes heading for cities across the country.

Later an F-35 stealth fighter swept past performing a victory roll over the Knesset and a brief aerobatic display before disappearing into the blue.

Flybys are a highlight of the annual celebrations and this year over 100 aircraft will participate, including some from foreign air forces.

On the ground, Israelis flocked to national parks, beaches, and open areas for traditional barbeques and picnics. The Ynet website reported that a series of parking lots along the shore of the Sea of Galilee had already closed their gates early in the morning due to overcrowding. READ MORE