Thursday, March 10, 2022

What will Israel do if Iran deal falls through?

The famous saying “beware what you wish for” may soon apply to Israel and the Iranian nuclear threat.

Although most signs show that there will still be a nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic and the world powers in not too long, the persistent delays and new element of instability introduced by US-Russian conflict over Ukraine has put the entire enterprise back in question.

At first glance, this would make Israel happy.

Both the former government of Benjamin Netanyahu and the current government of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid have taken clear stances against the deal.

They have said that whatever short-term benefits in delaying the Iranian nuclear threat might be procured by the deal, the loss of leverage of financial sanctions and the likely complacency and false sense of security the deal will create make it a bad one. READ MORE