Israeli leaders are increasingly warning that the Jewish state will take more active action against Iran, and also warnng that the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) Iran develops and employs are becoming an ever-growing problem.
Below we take a closer look at the UAV problem and the escalating tensions between Israel and Iran.
Last Tuesday, Israel's defense minister, Benny Gantz, revealed that Iran had attempted to transfer weapons and explosive materials (TNT) to Palestinian Arab terrorists in Judea and Samaria by using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
The large UAV, which originated from the T-4 base near Homs in Syria, was intercepted near the Israeli town of Beit She'an in February 2018. The plane, armed with four missiles, then exploded in mid-air over the Jordan Valley.
Gantz said there had been concrete intelligence that the Iranian UAV was heading for Samaria or Judea and indicated that UAVs are an increasing problem in the covert war against Iran. READ MORE