During Operation Guardian of the Walls, Hamas “somehow managed to create a bizarre universe where lies are truths, fiction is fact, and the perpetrator is the victim,” asserted Nitsana Darshan Leitner, founder of Shurat HaDin Israeli Law Center.
Though Hamas is an internationally recognized terror organization, she noted that the Hamas leadership succeeded in obscuring their sponsorship of suicide bombings and the murder of thousands of civilians, including Americans, while persuading “the woke, the liars, the celebrity posers, and the haters that they are innocent victims who represent the interests” of all Palestinian Arabs.
They have also prevailed in expunging their history of seizing control of the Gaza Strip in a coup in which they attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons and threw Fatah fighters off the roofs of hospitals.
Pundits enlisted into the Palestinian Arab propaganda machine, she said, used words like
They succeeded in spewing their vicious lies, but not in their usual virulent anti-Israel attacks. Instead, they focused on vilifying Jews“disproportionate use of force,” “illegal, “ethnic cleansing,” and apartheid nation,” to redefine Israel’s right to self-defense. This duplicity from a terrorist organization that recruits young men and women to become suicide bombers, was now being represented through social media as guiltless victims.
They succeeded in spewing their vicious lies, but not in their usual virulent anti-Israel attacks. Instead, they focused on vilifying Jews. At pro-Palestinian Arab rallies in the US and Europe, signs called for liberating Palestine from the “River [Jordan] to the Sea, [Mediterranean], Palestine will be free,” which means ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel, despite Arab denials to the contrary. At some of these rallies, there were Palestinian Arab flags together with swastikas. READ MORE