Saturday, April 10, 2021

Israel: The necessary superpower

PSALM 83: How Israel Becomes the Next Mideast Superpower

"Israel is now a militar
y superpower. It has the world’s most technologically advanced military and is one of its top weapons exporters. Its legendary military and security derring-do derives from its culture of risk-taking, creativity and thinking out of the box—characteristics shared by no other country."


(JNS) On Tuesday, Israeli commandos attached limpet mines to an Iranian cargo ship in the Red Sea, the MV Saviz, which was reportedly a covert forward base for the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

According to the United States Naval Institute, the Saviz, which had barely moved position for three years, may have been used to feed intelligence to Iran and its Houthi proxies in Yemen for nefarious purposes, including numerous strikes on maritime vessels in the area.

The ship was only lightly damaged in the explosion, and there were no casualties. The most interesting fact was that Israel notified the United States that it was responsible. This indicated the attack was a message to the Biden administration that, if the United States won’t stop Iran in its tracks, Israel is prepared to attack it on its own.

Such a message was deemed necessary because of intense alarm that President Joe Biden appears to be determined to empower Iran and other bad people in the Middle East.

In particular, he is determined to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal, which would allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons with only a short delay and with the lifting of sanctions funneling billions of dollars into terrorism against Israel and the West.

The administration had insisted that Iran must comply with the deal’s conditions before any sanctions were lifted. Yet on Wednesday, the U.S. State Department said it would lift sanctions that were “inconsistent” with the 2015 deal in order to “return to compliance.”

This week, when American diplomats sat down with Iranian intermediaries to start negotiations over a revamped deal, the Iranians predictably crowed that they had achieved victory.

With equal malevolence, the Biden administration also announced this week that it will resume funding the Palestinian Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza to the tune of $235 million, as well as giving $150 million to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

Aid to both had been stopped by former President Donald Trump because of the Palestinians’ support for terrorism and UNRWA’s malign role in perpetuating the war against Israel by creating the uniquely self-replicating status of Palestinian “refugee.”

Yet both the Iranian and Palestinian regimes have responded to Biden’s “goodwill” gestures by repeatedly insulting the United States or attacking American allies in the Gulf.

The more sweeteners America offers these regimes, the more they display their contempt and thus weaken it further by demonstrating its ineffectuality to the world. And the more they humiliate America, the more it offers them.

Either the Biden administration is so blinded by left-wing romanticization of the developing world that it’s incapable of understanding the lunacy of all this or these baleful developments are what it actually wants. READ MORE