Thursday, November 5, 2020

Five ways Trump-Biden voter chaos leaves Israel, PA, Iran fate in balance

US President Donald Trump’s threat to head to the Supreme Court over alleged election fraud as he claimed victory late Tuesday creates chaos in the Middle East because of the presidential race that left both candidates certain they had won a full day after the polls closed.

It’s an unusual level of uncertainty for an electoral system that mostly provides a seamless transfer of power, but the divide between Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on foreign policy is so sharp that the sudden absence of clear leadership, because of a protracted legal battle in the US, freezes certain initiatives and leaves others hanging in the balance.  
On Monday, Trump spoke with the full authority and weight of the US government behind him. Forty-eight hours later a question mark hovered over any action he has taken and could take, until his victory is set in stone either by a clear victorious vote count or a court verdict. Should the numbers affirm Biden, then Trump would be in countdown mode to the end of his term, having lost critical days in a leadership battle.
These five issues will feel the impact of the electoral chaos and its aftermath. (Read More)
1. Iran, Iran, Iran
2. Israeli-Arab normalization deals and Jerusalem Embassy moves
3. Settlers likely to see this period as one of opportunity
4. Can the PA survive another four years of Trump?
5. Netanyahu’s political fate