Friday, September 4, 2020

Likud rebuts allegations: 'Fascinating to find out who's behind this campaign of lies'

The Likud party has issued a rebuttal to allegations that party leader and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to the US sale of F-35 fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

A recent article in the New York Times made the most recent allegation, citing "officials familiar with the negotiations" between the United States, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates which resulted in a normalization treaty and ongoing talks on economic, agricultural, and technological cooperation between Israel and the UAE.

"The left wing finds it hard to stomach the idea that Netanyahu succeeded in blowing apart the 'land for peace' template and for the first time ever, achieved 'peace for peace,'" the Likud statement read. "Therefore, they are conducting a fake news campaign against him. Reiterating this baseless accusation doesn't make it true."

The statement added that, "At no point during the negotiations between Israel and the United States that led to a historic breakthrough did the Prime Minister give his agreement to the sale of advanced weapons to any country in the region. It would be fascinating to find out who is behind this campaign of lies - maybe it's the same people who are behind the Iran-nuclear deal and who support the dismantling of communities in Judea and Samaria, both of which significantly harm Israel's security and which are vigorously opposed by Netanyahu."

Netanyahu has also denied the allegations, with a statement from his office asserting that, "Repeating a false allegation against Prime Minister Netanyahu does not make it true. At no point in the talks with the United States leading to the historic breakthrough with the United Arab Emirates on August 13, did the Prime Minister give Israel's consent to the sale of advanced weapons to the Emirates."