Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Senior IDF official: Iran capable of seriously attacking Israel

The IDF's Operational Directorate Head, Major-General Aharon Haliva, warned in a closed meeting that the Iranians are capable of executing a quality attack on Israel - as they did in Saudi Arabia.
The warning, a recording of which was publicized Tuesday evening by Kan 11, was said at a closed meeting of the Finance Ministry's Budget Department. In it, Haliva detailed a map of the threats facing Israel and warned of the security challenges in the coming year.
"We have a new front in Iraq. We were in Iraq in '90-'91 and in previous years. We have the Iranian Quds Force in the Golan Heights," he said. "That's not fear-mongering, it's there. And in Dahieh, in Lebanon, there are things happening regarding the threats which are constantly developing, and you need to manage that, and you need to look outwards and know that at Ben Gurion Airport, people are flying abroad and returning. Because that's our job - our job is to allow life to be lived the way it's lived, just like that."
"All the signs show, for very many reasons, from the issue of the major powers - the US and Russia - to the issues of illegal weapons, that the year 2020, from a security perspective, is a year with negative potential for the State of Israel's interests.
"Meanwhile, on September 14, Iranian forces attacked oil facilities in Saudi Arabia. And anyone who thinks that the Iranians who carried out that very high quality attack which circumvented all of the US and Saudi security systems on its way to the sea, which brought about a rise in the price of gas and other things, cannot do similar against us - isn't in the profession."