Friday, November 8, 2019

Netanyahu: Europe ‘must stop stalling,’ confront Iran over its nuclear program

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu charged Thursday that Iran “continues to lie” about its nuclear program and called on Europe to “stop stalling” and confront the Islamic Republic, as the UN atomic agency reportedly discussed a site in Tehran alleged by Israel to be a secret atomic warehouse.
Netanyahu’s comments also came as Iran resumed uranium enrichment at the Fordo facility in violation of the 2015 international accord limiting its nuclear work.
“A year ago, speaking at the UN, I exposed Iran’s secret nuclear warehouse in Turquzabad. This morning, a special board meeting of the [International Atomic Energy Agency] published its findings on Iran’s activities in the no-longer secret facility. The IAEA now confirms that Iran lied. And that Iran continues to lie,” Netanyahu said in an English-language statement.
The premier was referring to a site in Iran that he flagged during his speech to the UN General Assembly last year. According to Bloomberg, the IAEA’s top inspector has accused Iran of evading attempts to gather information on uranium production at the warehouse, where particles were found earlier this year.
“The IAEA has confirmed that Iran has been violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty,” Netanyahu said. “Iran continues to hide its secret nuclear weapons program.”
He appealed to the world to adopt a more forceful posture toward Iran.
“It’s time for the nations of the world to resist Iran’s aggression and terror. It’s time to snap back sanctions. It’s time to pressure Iran until it changes its ways,” he said. “Iran must stop attacking the nations of the Middle East. Iran must stop threatening to destroy Israel. Europe must stop stalling. It must act against Iranian aggression now.” READ MORE