Do the Iranians have an interest in conflict on the border?
"Certainly the answer is yes. The Israeli assumption up until now has been that Iran can hold back and does not want a general conflict. That's beginning to crack. I'll tell you what it's about. Until now Israel has been attacking all bases and attacking all Iranian entrenchment in Syria, for over two years. All of this was done with the understanding that Iran would be exposed and not want to respond.
"But what happened? Things in the Middle East are changing and Chief of Staff Kohavi is warning us: 'Right now we need to watch our step.' And I'll tell you, from Iran's perspective, they've made a decision. They decided first of all to stop putting up with all the Israeli attacks. That means from now on there'll be a response.
"We see that now as well, with [Hezbollah leader Hassan] Nasrallah's drones. It was a different Nasrallah. These are the buds of an awakening Iran. The other thing is, and this is the most important thing to understand here, Iran's attack on Saudi oil facilities. Iran is examining the world, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the US, all at the same time, in a very precise attack. So Israel suddenly remembered that the Iranians have precise cruise missiles, and it also wants to protect itself."
Meaning the US' lack of response shows them that they can do what they want. READ MORE