The Iranian President claimed that Israel is the main source of terrorism and war in the region.
“Israelis had better take care of the security of where they are if they can! Although, wherever they had a presence, they brought about nothing but insecurity, slaughter and terror. The main perpetrator of terrorism, war and slaughter in the region is the occupying regime of Israel,” charged Rouhani, who spoke during a cabinet meeting and was quoted by the semiofficial Fars news agency.
The president then cautioned regional countries against falling into the trap of these claims.
Rouhani said the US calls for forming a new coalition in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman are “superficial” and “impractical”.
“No doubt, no matter how much of these calls is put into practice, it will do nothing to help the security in the region,” he added.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran, alongside other Persian Gulf littoral states, is ready to guarantee the security in this region,” continued Rouhani.
“Regional countries, through unity and dialogue, can preserve their own security, and the US’ measures and claims won’t benefit them in the least,” Rouhani stressed.
The comments come as the US works on forming an international maritime security coalition in the Persian Gulf.
The plans to build the coalition of nations, known as Operation Sentinel, were announced by the US following continued tensions with Iran in the region, culminating in the seizure of a British-flagged oil tanker by Iran.
Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz indicated last week that Israel would take part in the US-led coalition in the Gulf.
In response, Iran's Defense Minister, Amir Hatami, warned that any Israeli involvement in the international coalition would have "disastrous consequences" for the region.
The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s navy, Alireza Tangsiri, warned earlier this week that any presence by Israel in the Persian Gulf may set off a war.