Wednesday, May 29, 2019

US national security adviser: Iran seeking nuclear arms

US President Donald Trump’s national security adviser said Wednesday there was “no reason” for Iran to back out of its nuclear deal with world powers other than to seek atomic weapons, a year after the US president unilaterally withdrew America from the accord.
Speaking in Abu Dhabi, the Emirati capital, John Bolton said that without more nuclear power plants, it made no sense for Iran to stockpile more low-enriched uranium as it now plans to do. But the US also earlier cut off Iran’s ability to sell its uranium to Russia in exchange for unprocessed yellow-cake uranium.
“There’s no reason for them to do any of that unless that’s part of an effort to reduce the breakout time to produce nuclear weapons,” Bolton said. “That’s a very serious issue if they continue to do that.”
Iran previously announced it was backing away from the 2015 nuclear deal, which saw it limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions. Trump withdrew the US from the accord saying it didn’t go far enough in limiting the Iranian nuclear program, nor did it address Iran’s ballistic missile program.
Iran has set a July 7 deadline for Europe to offer better terms to the unraveling nuclear deal, saying that otherwise it will resume enrichment closer to weapons level.
Bolton declined to say what the US would do in response to that.
Iran long has insisted its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes. However, Western powers pushed for the nuclear deal to limit Iran’s ability to seek atomic weapons.
“This is just more graphic evidence that it hasn’t constrained their continuing desire to have nuclear weapons,” Bolton said. “It certainly hasn’t reduced their terrorist activities in the region that we just discussed or their other malign behavior in their use of conventional forces.” READ MORE