Saturday, November 24, 2018

PA official: It's two states or an apartheid state

The Palestinian Authority (PA) official in charge of foreign affairs, Riyad al-Maliki, on Friday called on the world to help resolve the Israel-Palestinian Arab issue by backing a two-state solution.
Failing to do so to would create an apartheid state, Maliki told the MED Dialogues conference in Rome, according to the AFP news agency.
"The Palestinians are still waiting for the international community to try to resolve the Palestinian problem that has been created by the international community" with the foundation of Israel in 1948, he charged.
"Unfortunately, none of you is taking serious, credible and responsible steps to solve the problem," Maliki told the assembled European and Middle Eastern leaders.
Maliki slammed the US administration of President Donald Trump "which has really sided with Israel, taken the wrong side of history, of justice."
"If the Americans are not willing to do anything, Europe should do that," he continued.
"We should force the change to happen, that's why we are pushing for a European role" including backing an international peace conference, continued Maliki.
"It's not our responsibility to protect the two-state solution, it's your responsibility," he said, adding, "I don't believe any of you will accept another apartheid regime to emerge in the 21st century.”
The PA has rejected US-brokered peace efforts due to anger over President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas has declared that he refuses to consider the Trump administration an honest broker for negotiations.
In an attempt to sidestep the US efforts, Abbas has been calling for an international peace conference and for establishing an international mechanism to sponsor the peace process with Israel.
According to Abbas’ plan, the international conference should bring about the implementation of the two-state solution within the pre-1967 borders and realize the Palestinians' right to freedom and independence in a state whose capital is eastern Jerusalem.
Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein also attended the MED gathering on Friday and said the two sides should focus on cooperation.
"If the idea of peace process is again some theory of two courageous leaders in a room shaking hands and signing an agreement, that doesn't work," said Edelstein.
"The only way to get back to a situation where we can do something positive is cooperation in practical fields (like manufacturing or water management). We don't need a comprehensive agreement to cooperate," he added.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif left the MED conference ahead of Edelstein’s speech.