Thursday, November 29, 2018

Outrage over CNN commentator's anti-Israel speech at UN

Jewish groups on Wednesday were outraged over comments by CNN commentator and Temple University professor Marc Lamont Hill, who said at the UN that violence against Israel is legitimate.
Speaking at the opening session of the UN’s International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Hill denounced Israel, endorsed Palestinian Arab terror and called for a boycott of Israel while saying that “justice requires a free Palestine from the river to sea.”
The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) called on CNN and Temple University to fire Hill following his highly offensive anti-Semitic remarks.
“The virulent anti-Semitism spewed by Marc Lamont Hill is abhorrent, and his senseless promotion of violence against Israel is repugnant,” said the National Council of Young Israel.
“With his racist views and unabashed denigration of Israel, Dr. Hill does not deserve to be given any sort of platform that facilitates the dissemination of his bigotry, whether it be on Cable TV or in a classroom.”
“In light of Dr. Hill’s malevolent anti-Semitic remarks, we call upon CNN and Temple University to fire him immediately,” continued the NCYI. “Neither CNN nor Temple should countenance anti-Semitism, and their failure to take swift action and terminate Dr. Hill would make them complicit in sanctioning bigotry and anti-Semitism. With such hate-filled views that are antithetical to basic human decency, Marc Lamont Hill should not be rewarded by serving as a pundit or a professor, and both CNN and Temple have a duty to dismiss Dr. Hill and renounce his anti-Semitic beliefs. ”READ MORE