Friday, November 23, 2018

Liberman: Israel's policy toward Hamas 'absurd'

Former Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman toured the city of Sderot on Friday along with members of his Yisrael Beytenu faction.
During his visit, Liberman criticized the government for what he said was its lack of action vis a vis Hamas.
"We came to be with the residents of the south, to strengthen them and to strengthen ourselves," Liberman said, a week after he resigned as defense minister. "Yesterday we all saw the absurdity we encountered - the Shin Bet exposed a Hamas terror cell in Judea and Samaria that was operated from Gaza."
"In other words, we are transferring yesterday and today additional fuel from Qatar to the Gaza Strip, and next month we will transfer another $ 15 million, and at the same time Hamas is withdrawing or at least trying to carry out attacks in Judea and Samaria, and Israel."
Liberman was referring to an announcement by the Shin Bet on Thursday that it had foiled an attempt by Hamas to establish a terror network in Judea and Samaria.
Liberman alleged that Israel's policies toward Hamas were "absurd".
"It is clear to everyone that terrorism must be defeated and that we should not surrender to terrorism. I intend to continue to be with the residents of the south and to open here within ten days a parliamentary bureau. I will be present every week in the south and Sderot until we change our direction. "