Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Khamenei: To hell with the US and Israel

A day after mocking Israel on Twitter and claiming that it is weak, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Monday took to Twitter again to blast both Israel and the US.
“Today, to hell with the U.S. and Zionist regime for threatening the Iranian nation. Their threats and atrocities have so far failed and will continue to fail; the sanctions will also be defeated by the grace of resistance,” he wrote.

On Sunday, Khamenei claimed that “[t]he Zionist regime is clearly weaker than 10, 20 years ago. A few years ago they fought Hezbollah for 33 days and were defeated. They were defeated 2 years later in the 22-day war on Palestinian resistance; in 8-day war on oppressed people of Gaza and recently in the 2-day war.”
His tweets come after Iran’s President, Hassan Rouhani, called Israel a “cancerous tumor”and urged Muslim nations worldwide to unite and destroy Israel.
Khamenei and Rouhani both regularly criticize and threaten Israel. In July, Khamenei vowedthat the US would be unable to broker a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and that the Jewish state would ultimately disappear from the Middle East.
A month earlier, he posted a Twitter tirade against Israel, saying that “the Zionist regime will perish in the not-so-far future.”
The Supreme Leader has several times in the past referred to the Jewish state as a “cancer” and threatened to "annihilate" the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa.