Sunday, August 5, 2018

Gaza sea barrier unveiled (Video) Is Israel dwelling "Without Walls?"

Some believe that the ancient prophecy of Ezekiel 38 is about to happen. The prophecy says the Israel must be dwelling without walls, bars or gates. Is that the case in Israel today? 

Look at these headlines below.
Israel completes Lebanon border wall around Metulla – 6/12/2012, Times of Israel.
Israel resumes construction of wall along Lebanon border – 4/10/2018, Middle East Monitor.
Israel starts massive fence on southern border with Jordan – 1/20/2016, Times of Israel.
Israel starts building sea barrier to defend against Gaza attacks – 5/27/2018, Times of Israel.
Israel unveils plans for 40-mile underground wall around Gaza – 1/18/2018.
Palestinian protesters breach Israel-Gaza border fence; 3 killed, hundreds injured in clashes – 4/27/2018, Los Angeles Times.
Observe that most of the headline dates above are relatively recent. This suggests that Israel is not presently dwelling securely. Otherwise, they would not need to construct new walls, nor extend existing walls.
Concerning the Gaza barrier wall article, CLICK HERE to read the article and watch the video within it.