Speaking about Syria, Liberman said, "From our perspective, the situation is going back to what it was before the civil war - meaning there's a clear address, there's responsibility, and there's a central government."
"We did not involve ourselves and we do not involve ourselves in Syria's internal issues - as long as they keep to three guidelines which are central for us: 1) Keeping to every tiny detail of the Separation of Forces Agreement of 1974, 2) Syrian and must not act as Iran's forward base from which to fight Israel, 3) Syria cannot become a primary transfer point for smuggling weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
"The moment all three of these conditions are met, we have no reason to interfere or act in Syria. The moment they are not met, we will act according to the State of Israel's security interests."
Regarding Hezbollah, Liberman said, "Again, I'm not going to rush to jump to conclusions. At any rate, since the Second Lebanon War, we have learned many lessons... We hope no one tries us. We're not looking for conflicts, but we will respond to every provocation and to every challenge - regardless of whether it is from Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, or any other place."