Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Abbas aide: As price for embassy move, Trump must make E. Jerusalem our capital

Majdi al-Khaldi, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's senior diplomatic adviser (Credit:Wafa)
The only “compensation” the US could provide to the Palestinians for its Jerusalem moves would be recognition of “the State of Palestine” with East Jerusalem as its capital, a senior diplomatic adviser to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday.
Addressing US President Donald Trump’s statement that Israel would pay a “higher price” for recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Majdi al-Khaldi also said Washington would have to recognize the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as “the sole solution.”
At a rally in West Virginia on Tuesday, Trump said that he took competing claims over Jerusalem, one of the conflict’s most intractable disputes, off the table by recognizing the city as Israel’s capital and moving the American embassy there. However, he also said that Israel would have “to pay a higher price” in negotiations because of those moves and added that “the Palestinians will get something very good, because it’s their turn next.” (Read More)