I have been reading your material, articles and books and always watch all of your TV/radio/Internet appearances almost since you first emerged on the eschatology scene and am extremely grateful for your God given insights into end times events and prophecies (I believe that all of your teachings are 100% accurate = main criteria of God for a prophet). I have a quick question if you don't mind. Daniel speaks of the answer to his prayers and visitation by the angel Gabriel being delayed 3 weeks by the Chief Prince of Persia as they battled (with the help of the angel Michael). In the Prophet Jeremiah's prophecy regarding Elam, he speaks of the "captives" of Elam being returned to their land at some point in the future. He also explains the reason for Elam's catastrophe, having provoked God's anger - but I was wondering if God's plan is two-fold? Daniel confirms there are demonic chief angels guarding Elam and one purpose of a guard is to guard "captives" and keep them from escaping. Might the first part of God's plan for Elam be to punish them but the other to set those captives free by physically and literally dispersing them beyond those "guarding" angel's jurisdiction as a result of that catastrophe? Often God's punishments also come with a blessing. (carrot and stick). Might God's "stick" be for Elam and the "carrot" for the captives? Sticks can break bows of might and carrots can sustain captives on their journeys (there and back as it were).
Thank you for all you do for us,
Maranatha - YBIC
I have been reading your material, articles and books and always watch all of your TV/radio/Internet appearances almost since you first emerged on the eschatology scene and am extremely grateful for your God given insights into end times events and prophecies (I believe that all of your teachings are 100% accurate = main criteria of God for a prophet). I have a quick question if you don't mind. Daniel speaks of the answer to his prayers and visitation by the angel Gabriel being delayed 3 weeks by the Chief Prince of Persia as they battled (with the help of the angel Michael). In the Prophet Jeremiah's prophecy regarding Elam, he speaks of the "captives" of Elam being returned to their land at some point in the future. He also explains the reason for Elam's catastrophe, having provoked God's anger - but I was wondering if God's plan is two-fold? Daniel confirms there are demonic chief angels guarding Elam and one purpose of a guard is to guard "captives" and keep them from escaping. Might the first part of God's plan for Elam be to punish them but the other to set those captives free by physically and literally dispersing them beyond those "guarding" angel's jurisdiction as a result of that catastrophe? Often God's punishments also come with a blessing. (carrot and stick). Might God's "stick" be for Elam and the "carrot" for the captives? Sticks can break bows of might and carrots can sustain captives on their journeys (there and back as it were).
Thank you for all you do for us,
Maranatha - YBIC
BILL SALUS ANSWER: I teach that those who are dispersed in Jeremiah 49:36 fall into 2 categories.
1. Believers who will be Raptured, if the Rapture happens after the fulfillment of Jer. 49:36. These will be Raptured prior to the Tribulation Period.
2. Unbelievers
I teach that the captives who are restored to Elam in Jer. 49:39 are initially the Unbelievers of Jer. 49:36, who subsequently after the Rapture become believers and survive through the Tribulation Period. Then when Christ returns He restores them back to their Elam homeland. This is also the case of the Israelis in Zechariah 13:9 and Isaiah 19:24-25, the Egyptians and Assyrians in Isaiah 19:24-25 and the Jordanians in Jeremiah 48:47 and 49:6.