According to the Associated Press, Iran’s Oil Ministry website quoted Ardebili telling Trump, “With your frequent and indecent tweets oil prices have gone up 10 dollars.”
“Your tweets have driven the prices up by at least $10 per barrel,” Ardebili reportedly said. “Pls stop it, otherwise it will go even higher!”
“Your Excellency, there are not that much oil [sic] available to respond to your orders; you are hammering on good guys in OPEC, which you are claiming,” Ardebili pleaded. “You are actually discrediting them and undermining their sovereignty, we expect you to be more polite.”
He closed his statements by suggesting Trump join Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian delegation, and Britain, China, France, Germany, and Russia – the five remaining nations that are signatories to the nuclear deal – in Vienna, where discussions will take place to see how Iran can rescue the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). “Mr. President, we may have some differences with our brothers but have learned how to live together; You want to escalate the situation, I advise you to rush to join Vienna talks of tomorrow?!” READ MORE