For nearly three months the Gaza border has been the site of riots coupled with attempts by Hamas to use civilian demonstrators as cover in order to cross the border and commit terrorist attacks, kidnap Israelis, lay roadside bombs and IEDs and engage in other forms of terror activities such as terror kites and balloons.
Prior to the first day-long eruption of rocket fire, the situation had been calming down. Hamas was reducing the number of Gazans they were bussing to their riots and reducing their level of violence.
Then on Tuesday night, Israel was hit by another barrage of rockets. Why did the situation explode without warning? Like Hezbollah, Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, both receive funding from the Iranians, and the first outburst of rockets came soon after Russia accepted Israeli demands that Iran withdraw from Southern Syria, a situation Iran was unlikely to accept quietly. It is continuing to keep the issue hot.
Responding directly, or even through Iran’s proxies to Israel’s North could have brought about an open war and provoked a significant international backlash, drawing the Europeans to Israel’s side in condemnation of Iran and harming Iran’s ability to maintain the framework of the nuclear deal without the US.
Iran needed something more discreet, like a limited escalation in Gaza that would restore Iranian pride before being drawn down when necessary.
The rocket fire launched at mainland Israel and the reescalation of riots along the Gaza border should serve as a wake-up call to all those who are still in need of one. Iran is continuing to spread violence across the region and will persist in doing so until it is confronted more forcefully. READ MORE