The conference was initiated by senior adviser and son-in-law of US President Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, and Middle East special envoy Jason Greenblatt.
The conference was attended by Jordanian General Intelligence chief Adnan al-Issam al-Jundi, General Abbas Kamel, head of the Egyptian Mukhabarat, Khaled bin Ali al-Humaidan, head of the Saudi intelligence agency, and Mossad chief Yossi Cohen. On the explicit request of the American emissaries and despite the PA's boycott of the United States, PA intel chief Majed Faraj also joined the meeting.
The internet site Intelligence Online claimed recently that Faraj is considered a man in whom the United States is interested as a replacement for Mahmoud Abbas to head the PA.
Faraj also met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo two months ago for a conversation that dealt mainly with the situation in the Palestinian Authority on the day after Abbas leaves office.
Faraj also met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo two months ago for a conversation that dealt mainly with the situation in the Palestinian Authority on the day after Abbas leaves office.