Speaking at the funeral of a 30-something man he said he had not known, Rev. Rogers told the congregation they had been “sold a lie” and “bamboozled” into believing in hell.
“All that stuff is a fairytale. To believe in hell means you have to believe in Santa Claus. I don’t care how you cut [it]. Hell is an imaginary place. And I was told that if anything that does not have an explanation must be imagination,” he said.
The celabrated African-American preacher said that hell is part of a “fantasy” created by church leaders for their benefit.
“Church is corrupt,” he said.
“The Church don’t want to address what’s really wrong with you, they just want you to be quiet, sit down and act nice,” he said. “You want a baby to be quiet, just tell them Santa Claus is coming to town. Only until their eyes come open and they realize that Santa Claus has never come to town,” he said.
“I didn’t come to feed you a lie today, I came to feed you the truth.”
“I don’t believe in a lot of stuff that church gave me. I quit. Matter of fact, I don’t want church. I want good,” Rogers said. “I don’t want to do church, I want to do good because everybody that doing church, ain’t doing good.”
“Most folk who doing good don’t even go to church,” he said. READ MORE