Saturday, May 5, 2018

Will Trump's plan include giving up parts of Jerusalem?

The Hebrew-language Maariv newspaper on Friday morning reported that US President Donald Trump's new peace plan would include Israel giving the Palestinian Authority (PA) four of Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods.

According to Maariv, the plan was revealed to Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) during his visit to Washington last week, and includes significant compromises on Israel's part.

The four neighborhoods are Shuafat, Jabel Mukaber, Isawiya, and Abu Dis.
These neighborhoods would form the capital of a future Palestinian state.

Under the plan, Jerusalem's Old City would be recognized as international territory.
The report also said the plan included a promise of unconditional support from the White House for any of Israel's efforts against the Iranian nuclear threat. This support includes diplomatic support in international forums if Israel decides to act directly, as well as significant military aid and advanced weapons the event of war.

In April, a senior White House official said Trump's peace plan was nearly ready. However, already in March, a senior Palestinian Authority official promised to thwart the peace plan, and a Fatah official promised that the plan would not be implemented. (INN News)