Monday, March 5, 2018

Poll: Likud gaining strength even after Netanyahu questioning

If elections were to be held today, the Likud would win 29 seats and the right-wing bloc would achieve a total of 64 seats, according to a poll published by Channel 10 News on Sunday.
Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid party would win 24 seats, the poll found, with the Zionist Union winning 12, the Joint List 12, the Jewish Home 10, Meretz 8, Kulanu with 7 seats and Yisrael Beytenu winning 7 seats.
The haredi factions are weakening, according to the poll: United Torah Judaism receives 6 seats while Shas wins 5 seats.
The poll was taken following Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s questioning on Friday in the Bezeq Case, also known as “Case 4000”, which centers on allegations that Netanyahu sought a deal with Shaul Elovitch, the controlling shareholder of telecoms group Bezeq, which would have seen Netanyahu receive good press on Elovitch's Walla! news website in exchange for business concessions.
Following the questioning, Netanyahu released a video in which he expressed confidence that the investigations against him will lead to nothing.
"Just before the start of the Sabbath, I want to tell you - I feel confident that there will be nothing. I want to say something else to the millions of Israelis who express such strong support for me, my wife and my family - You warm our hearts," Netanyahu said in the video.