Pence made the promise, to cheers, during his address Monday night to the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, D.C.
The deal, which was signed in 2015 by Iran, the United States and a group of other world powers, curbs Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.
Western countries say the tests are a violation of the UN resolution enshrining the 2015 nuclear deal. Iran denies it is in violation of any UN resolutions.
US President Donald Trump opposes the agreement. In October, he declined to certify that Iran was complying with it, but he has yet to fully withdraw the United States from the accord, instead asking Congress to pass legislation altering the pact.
Pence told AIPAC that Trump waived the sanctions to give US lawmakers and America’s allies time to act.
“But make no mistake about it, this is their last chance,” the vice president said. “Unless the Iran nuclear deal is fixed in the coming months, the United States of America will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.”