Friday, March 2, 2018

Analysis: What is Iran thinking?

Iran is lying through its teeth again about its involvement in the devastating Yemeni war which has killed thousands of people and caused a huge humanitarian crisis making 80 percent of the population of Yemen dependent on some form of foreign aid.
This week, after Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution condemning Iran for violating an arms embargo by supplying weapons and missiles to the Ansar Allah (Houthi) militia in Yemen, a spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry denied his country had sent weapons to Yemen while blasting Great Britain for “dishonest behavior” in drafting the resolution.
"We don’t send weapons to Yemen. Such allegations and attempts are made to project the blame on others by those who want to use the existing situation against Iran," the spokesman, Bahram Qassemi told reporters in Tehran.
“We are witnessing a [sic] dishonest behavior from the British government that uses the international mechanisms to defend the aggressor despite its slogans about a peaceful settlement of the Yemen crisis," Qassemi charged.
He then claimed that whatever happens in Yemen “is the result of the export of British and American arms.”
Qassemi’s remarks came after General Joseph Votel, head of the U.S. Central Command in the Middle East (CENTCOM,) sounded the alarm about Iran’s involvement in Yemen.
Testifying before the House Armed Services Committee, Votel claimed the Islamic Republic has achieved in five years in Yemen what it took two decades to do in Lebanon, which has been turned into an Iranian client state.
“Iran has extended its tentacles across the region through numerous proxies, including Lebanese Hezbollah operating in multiple countries, hardline Iranian-backed Shia militia groups (SMGs) in Iraq and Syria, and Iranian support has enabled the Houthis,” according to the CENTCOM commander.
If you wonder who’s speaking the truth about Iran’s involvement in Yemen, you don’t need a recently leaked report by UN experts which unequivocally stated Iran is delivering military aid to Ansar Allah. READ MORE