The survey, conducted by the Jerusalem Media and Communication Center in collaboration with the German foundation Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, found that Palestinian support for the two-state solution had dropped from 49% one year ago to 35%.
23% of respondents expressed support for one state for both peoples – effectively abolishing the Jewish state – up 5 percentage points from last year.
An overwhelming majority of 96% of those polled oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state without Jerusalem as its capital.
Less Palestinians today support the idea of a negotiated solution with Israel, down from 37% in February 2017 to 25% in 2018.
Palestinians who supported “armed resistance” against Israel – usually in the form of terror attacks – was 25%, up 5 percentage points from last year.
Nonviolent resistance saw a 6% increase to 30%.
Support for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is decreasing, dropping from 44% to 39%. Both his Fatah faction and its rival, terror group Hamas, have lost support. Fatah dropped two percentage points to 23% while Hamas support decreased from 14% to nine percent. READ MORE