Monday, February 26, 2018

Israeli Arabs join ISIS, plan attack on Temple Mount

Shabak (Israel Security Agency) working together with Israel Police arrested during January-February 2018 three Israeli Arabs some of whom are connected to ISIS.
The three, all residents of the Jenin-area city Umm al-Fahm, planned to carry out a shooting attack on the Temple Mount.
The three are: Mohammed Massoud Muhammad Jabbarin, 20; Amaad Lutafi Muhammad Jabbarin, 20, and an unnamed minor.
The interrogations revealed that the three planned to carry out a shooting attack at Al-Aqsa mosque, similar to the one carried out on July 17, 2017, in which two Druze policemen were murdered.
Exact intelligence information allowed for the cell members' arrest before they managed to acquire weapons and carry out the attack. Some of the cell's members discussed carrying out attacks on religious buildings (synagogues and churches), as well as attacks on security and police forces, ramming attacks, and an attack during Christmas.
Two of the three arrested support the ISIS' ideology, and planned to carry out the attack in accordance with that support.
On Monday, indictments were filed against all three terrorists.