"We especially appreciate all American efforts to bring a solution between us and the Palestinians," Liberman said. "But with all due respect, the United States and their investments and efforts are not an alternative for direct talks between us and Palestinians. I believe that a strategic breakthrough is possible to achieve [sic] only in direct meetings and talks between [the] two sides."
"Everybody who speaks today about a final status agreement - I think he doesn't understand reality and he's illusionist. What we can achieve is a long-term interim agreement, not more. What is crucial is not only security, it's first of all to stop the incitement and the second, to upgrade the Palestinian economy. I don't believe in democracy, I don't believe in peaceful policy... I think it will be possible to achieve peace with the Palestinians when their GDP is $20,000.
"My concern is not a Palestinian state but a Jewish state. For me it's completely unacceptable that they will establish a homogenic [sic] Palestinian state even without one Jew, and we will be come a bi-national state with more than 20% Palestinians. I think we have a right to a Jewish national state, not a bi-national state. In this case, my idea of course is to use land and population swaps to create two national states."
Liberman also said that in order to "stop violence in the Middle East" we must stop Iran's "aggressions [sic] and their nuclear ambitions."
"Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad - they're not able to exist without Iran," he explained. "They (Iran - ed.) deliver everything - instructions, funding, advisers, everything.... I think it's crucial to stop this regime." READ MORE