Thursday, December 7, 2017

Chris Matthews: ‘Crazy’ Evangelicals ‘Don’t Understand’ the Situation in Israel

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” while discussing President Donald Trump’s expected announcement to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, “Hardball” host Chris Matthews said evangelical Christians have “crazy ideas” and “mythical” beliefs about Israel.
Matthews said, “Deaths are coming now because of this. You can just bet the next few weeks we’ll have hell to pay for this totally erratic decision by this president. Every party who has had the White House since 48 has recognized you have to be careful over there.”
He added, “Don’t think this isn’t related to Alabama next week. It is related. Because it’s the Christian Evangelicals down there with their crazy ideas about Israel which is, I don’t know, mythical. They don’t understand the situation over there, how tricky it is ethnically and tribally. They don’t care because it’s a religious belief. Trump is playing into that this week you watch him.” WATCH